Donate monthly to help more seriously ill children.

At Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity, we help give seriously ill children the best chance, and the best childhoods, possible.

Because we believe no childhood should be lost to serious illness. But we can only do it with your support.

Start your monthly donation today and help give seriously ill children the childhoods they deserve.

Your money will go towards funding groundbreaking research, cutting-edge medical equipment, and the building and refurbishment of child-centred facilities.

You’ll also help to fund support for staff and the vital services that children and families going through the toughest journey of their lives urgently need, like free home-from-home accommodation and play specialists who help children process their experiences and prepare for treatment.

Donate £5 a month and help fund more medical breakthroughs, more services, and more keepy uppies for the thousands of children like Oliver who are treated at GOSH every year.

How your support can help

  • £5
    a month could help our Play team bring fun and laughter into the hospital.
  • £8
    a month could fund cutting-edge equipment to deliver better care to children at GOSH.
  • £12
    a month could help to provide accommodation so families can be close to their children when they need it most.

Meet Oliver

Six-year-old Oliver (pictured above) has had a childhood filled with friends, fun and family. But in March this year, he was diagnosed with a type of blood cancer and immediately started chemotherapy at GOSH.

The treatment means he’s had to swap running around outside for keepy uppies in his hospital room, cheered on by his favourite physio.

“Oli is missing his normal life of school, sports and friends’ parties, but GOSH has done really well to mitigate the impacts on him,” says Oliver’s dad, Christian.

“The biggest thing he has missed out on is seeing other children his own age because he hasn’t been able to leave the room due to infections from chemotherapy.”

“With the help of the hospital teacher, the Play team and his physio, Oli has been able to keep up with school and play games when he’s feeling well enough.”

Oliver’s dad, Christian.

Other ways to donate to GOSH Charity

By phone: 020 3841 3841

By post: GOSH Charity, 40 Bernard Street, London, WC1N 1LE

Payroll giving

Support research at GOSH

Remember a loved one by making a donation in memory.

More information

Speak to our Legacy team about leaving a gift in your Will to Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity by contacting us on 020 3841 3841 or

If you are looking after the final affairs of someone who has passed away, please contact our Legacy Officer for guidance on how to make payment of a legacy gift.

If you are organising a funeral collection or donations in memory, please email