Cutting-edge medical equipment and technology

GOSH surgeons stand around operating table, using equipment. They are wearing protective clothing and masks.

With the help of our supporters, we give seriously ill children the best chance, and the best childhoods, possible. This includes funding vital, cutting-edge equipment so the clinical and research teams at GOSH can deliver better care to their patients.

Here are just a few examples of the equipment we’ve funded over the last few years.

Anaesthetic ultrasound machines

In 2022-23 we funded three anaesthetic ultrasound machines that allow clinicians to make faster assessments and confident decisions in environments that are often unpredictable and chaotic.

"They provide detailed ultrasound images so that anaesthetists can perform procedures such as nerve blocks, vascular access, and abdominal assessments with great accuracy and confidence,” says Camila Maglaya-Ocampo, Team Leader for Anaesthetic Practitioners, Core Clinical Services at GOSH.

Keeping newborns warm

Giraffe incubators are used for the smallest newborns that GOSH cares for. They keep babies warm while allowing clinical staff and parents to provide care and comfort.

Cleaning dialysis waste

GOSH is the biggest paediatric centre in the UK for kidney transplants. Dialysis is a procedure that removes excess waste products and fluid from the blood when a child's kidneys aren’t functioning properly. Gambro units help to clean the water produced from dialysis.

Powerful scanning for more effective surgery

The Khoo Teck Puat iMRI Suite revolutionised brain surgery at GOSH after opening in May 2021.

The suite includes an MRI scanner that gives surgeons the best information to make decisions, with outstanding clarity and high-definition images of a child’s brain.

It also includes a dedicated area where radiographers, radiologists and surgeons can interpret real-time imaging during an operation to agree how to best proceed with the patient’s surgery.

Driving positive transformation

We’re committed to funding data infrastructure projects that drive positive transformations in children’s health.

GOSH is one of the most digitally advanced hospitals in Europe and aims to use data and digital technologies to improve the care children receive and the staff experience.

The GOSH Data Research, Innovation and Virtual Environment (DRIVE) unit was established in 2018. Here, data scientists help teams to use clinical and operational data through its secure, trusted Digital Research Environment (DRE). The world-leading DRE was established thanks to funding from us.

We also fund the Clinical Informatics Research Programme based in DRIVE.

This is an extensive research programme supporting clinicians, nurses, allied health professionals and data scientists to collaborate on data-driven research projects that aim to improve child health outcomes.