GOSH marks International Childhood Cancer Day

16 Feb 2024, 12:01 p.m.

GOSH patient pedalling bike to make a smoothie. GOSH Nurse stands next to him, smiling.

Yesterday (15 February) was International Childhood Cancer Day 2024. To mark this important day, we joined GOSH's nursing, physiotherapy and dietetics teams to take over the Lagoon – a restaurant and café inside the hospital.

"Smoothie superheroes" and virtual tours

During the event, children and families at GOSH became smoothie superheroes, pedalling away on standing bikes to create amazing juice drinks.

Families could also take a virtual tour of plans for GOSH’s new Children’s Cancer Centre.

Child sitting on parent's lap. Both are sitting on a standing bike, pedalling to make smoothie

A new, world-leading Children’s Cancer Centre

Around five children in the UK are diagnosed with cancer each day, and 1400 children are treated at GOSH each year (2021/22).

The new Children’s Cancer Centre will be a step change for GOSH’s cancer services.

Currently, the hospital's cancer wards and day care services are spread across different buildings in the older parts of the GOSH estate, meaning it can take up to 20 minutes to get between them. Some of the outpatient cancer clinics are currently in buildings from the 1930s.

The new centre will bring together the different services needed for specialist cancer care, allowing teams to work more closely together. This will improve the quality of care for children and their families, reduce risk and allow rapid access in emergencies. These services will also support other specialities from across GOSH, meaning everyone will benefit.

Our Build it. Beat it. Appeal

We’re raising money to help build the new Children’s Cancer Centre at GOSH, to help drive transformation in children’s cancer care and save more lives.

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