Statement about Presidents Club Charitable Trust

27 Mar 2018, 5:30 p.m.

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A spokesperson for Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity commented.“Our thinking is always guided by our aim to maximise the support we give to the hospital and the families it cares for.

“Following feedback from our supporters, guidance from the Charity Commission and taking into account the impending closure of the Presidents Club Charitable Trust, the Trustees have decided to retain the funds donated by the Trust.

“We would like to thank all of our donors for their support, it is only through their generosity that we can make a difference for seriously ill children cared for at the hospital.”

Contact Information

You can contact the charity press office for any enquiries.


020 3841 3130

(Out of hours: 07814 775 228)


Notes to Editors

About Great Ormond Street Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity:

Great Ormond Street Hospital is one of the world’s leading children’s hospitals with the broadest range of dedicated, children’s healthcare specialists under one roof in the UK. The hospital’s pioneering research and treatment gives hope to children from across the UK with the rarest, most complex and often life-threatening conditions. Our patients and families are central to everything we do – from the moment they come through the door and for as long as they need us.

Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity needs to raise money to support the hospital to give seriously ill children, the best chance for life. The charity funds research into pioneering new treatments for children, provides the most up to date medical equipment, funds support services for children and their families and supports the essential rebuilding and refurbishment of the hospital. You can help us to provide world class care for our patients and families.

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