GOSH Charity Safeguarding Statement

Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity and its wholly owned subsidiary, Great Ormond Street International Promotions Limited, (collectively known as GOSH Charity) believes everyone has the right to be safe, no matter who or what their circumstances are.

A child, young person or vulnerable adult should never experience abuse of any kind and we are committed to delivering our services in a way that safeguards all individuals who come into contact with us.

We have a robust Safeguarding Policy in place which is applied to all staff including third-party individuals and volunteers. Staff receive mandatory safeguarding induction training through an e-learning course and our policy and training requirements are reviewed regularly to ensure compliance with current statutory and regulatory provisions for safeguarding protocols as well as best practice.

GOSH Charity has designated the Deputy Director of People & Culture as their safeguarding representative. They promote awareness of the Safeguarding Policy across GOSH Charity and ensure appropriate training is available. They also receive, assess and respond to concerns or disclosures and keep secure, written records as well as advising on appropriate keeping of information.

If you would like a copy of our Safeguarding Policy, please contact the GOSH Charity's Safeguarding Representative.

For further information

If you are a member of the public and would like to get in touch with us regarding our Safeguarding Policy and procedures, or need to confidentially report a concern or disclosure, please contact our safeguarding representative:

Deputy Director of People & Culture: Safeguarding@gosh.org

Alternatively, if you would prefer to get in touch with an independent body, please contact Protect:

  • Confidential Advice – 020 3117 2520