Fundraise with your club or group

Clubs and Groups Fundraising

Whether you’re a left-back or a Brown Owl, your club or group can help give seriously ill children the best chance and the best childhood possible.

Take your local impact to a national scale by supporting children from all over the UK who are treated at GOSH.

Already have a fundraising plan? Let us know about your event.

How can your club or group fundraise for GOSH Charity?

  • Uniformed organisations

    If you run a Scout, Brownie, Woodcraft Folk, Cadet group or Brigade there are lots of ways to fundraise for GOSH Charity, from putting on a performance of Peter Pan to hosting an event. Your members could even use fundraising as part of a badge or award.

  • Sports clubs

    Could your sports club hold a fundraising match or tournament? Perhaps you could invite other teams in your league to get involved and raise even more money for children and families at GOSH.

  • Hobby clubs

    Do you run a book club, a darts league or an orchestra? It’s easy to include a fundraiser in your normal activities. Perhaps you could host an event showcasing your hobby, add a raffle to your meeting, or ask for donations at a celebration.

How you can make a difference

  • £280 could cover the cost of one week’s stay in our home-from-home family accommodation, so children can always have their mums, dads and carers close.

  • £700 could fund a day’s worth of entertainment from musicians, artists and performers through the GOSH Arts programme, to lift the spirits of patients, families and staff.

  • £2,331 could fund a week’s worth of research into a new gene editing based therapy to treat Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that keeps a child’s immune system from working properly.

Already completed your fundraiser?

You can pay in your money online or find others ways to pay in. If you would like to donate by bank transfer, please email us for details.