The Love Hearts appeal
To celebrate her 21st birthday, Catherine and her family set up the Love Hearts appeal, with author Bill Bryson as its patron.
"We formed the charity because we felt it was the right time to give something back to GOSH, the place that really gave me a second chance"
What the Love Hearts appeal funds
The Love Hearts appeal funds groundbreaking research that could help save the lives of children who need heart transplants.
Thanks to the commitment of all those who have supported the Love Hearts appeal, we have already successfully funded:
- A new cubicle in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at GOSH.
- A pioneering research project investigating using a child's own immune cells to help reduce the number of anti-rejection drugs needed after transplant.
"Nothing is more precious than a child's life. Please support this vital campaign."
By supporting the Love Hearts Appeal, you’ll be helping seriously ill children and their families from across the UK when they need it most.