Everything you need to know about TeamGOSH Funds, including how to get involved and the types of fundraising you can do. 





What is a TeamGOSH Fund?

A TeamGOSH Fund helps bring people and fundraising together to celebrate our extraordinary patients. It doesn't matter what you do, with a TeamGOSH Fund you can fundraise together in your own way.

Find out more about TeamGOSH Funds.  

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How can I get involved?

You can start your own TeamGOSH Fund using our online forms. Alternatively, if you already know of a TeamGOSH Fund that you would like to join, you can create a fundraising page as part of that TeamGOSH Fund quickly and easily. 

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What fundraising can I do?

The great news is that there are no restrictions on what fundraising you can do. Whether you’re the sporty type, like social fundraising, fancy some fundraising at work, or something at school, it can all be included in your TeamGOSH Fund. The diversity of activity is what makes TeamGOSH Funds so special.

We have plenty of fundraising events and campaigns you can join in with or you can do your own thing. It’s totally up to you! Check out our fundraising ideas on our website.

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I’d like to start a TeamGOSH Fund to celebrate my child, how do I do it?

Great! Starting your own TeamGOSH fund is really easy. Simply enter a few details using our online forms and once you’re finished you’re ready to begin fundraising! You can share your TeamGOSH Fund with your friends and family so they can fundraise too. 

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I’d like to personalise my TeamGOSH Fund page, how can I do this?

As the TeamGOSH Fund Holder (the person who started the TeamGOSH Fund), you can personalise your page in several ways using your JustGiving account log in. Once you have logged into JustGiving, select ‘My Fundraising’. You can now edit your page including adding a photo, a team logo, adding a story and setting a team target.

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I’d like to get my family and friends involved in fundraising as part of my TeamGOSH Fund. What’s the best way to do this?

Sharing your TeamGOSH Fund with your family and friends is the best way to build your fund. A great way to start is by emailing your family and friends to let them know you've started your fund. Include a link to your page and what you're hoping to achieve. Social media such as Facebook and Twitter are a great way to spread the word and encourage people to take part.

You can keep your page up-to-date with information on what fundraising has taken place and what's coming up by updating your page regularly with the latest news. 

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I’d like to join a TeamGOSH Fund that already exists, how can I do this?

You can join an existing TeamGOSH Fund using the forms on our website. You'll need to know the URL of the TeamGOSH Fund you are wishing to join. You can then search for this Fund using our forms.

Once you've created your own fundraising page it will automatically be joined to the TeamGOSH Fund you've selected. Any money you then raise on your fundraising page will count towards the fund total.

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I’m already fundraising for Great Ormond Street Hospital, how can I link my JustGiving page to an existing TeamGOSH Fund?

If you already have a JustGiving page that you're using for fundraising, you can link this to the TeamGOSH fund of your choice.

First, you'll need to visit the TeamGOSH Fund page you're hoping to join. You'll need to click on the ‘join the team’ button. You'll then be prompted to log into JustGiving and either create a new page or join your existing JustGiving page to the team. Your page will now be linked to the TeamGOSH Fund and, once you’re done, any money you raise will count towards the fund total.

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Can anyone start a TeamGOSH Fund?

Yes! TeamGOSH Funds are designed for friends and family of GOSH patients to celebrate a special child. If you’re the parent or guardian of a GOSH patient and are looking for a way to fundraise with your family and friends, then TeamGOSH Funds are prefect for you.

If you're a friend of a GOSH patient, we'd recommend that you seek permission from the parents or guardian of the child before creating a TeamGOSH Fund in their name. 

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Will I be able to see what my team members are doing?

Yes! All the fundraising pages which have been created and joined to your TeamGOSH Fund will be listed on your TeamGOSH Fund page. This means you can see all the activity that is taking place and the money that has been raised in one place. 

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Will I be able to see how much my TeamGOSH Fund has raised in total?

The TeamGOSH Fund total displayed on your page will include all the money that has been given to each of the pages that are connected to the fund, so you can see at a glance how much you've raised together. If you've raised money ‘off line’, in cash and cheques for example, then you can add this amount to your ‘off line total’ on your page once you've sent the donations to the charity. 

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Will anyone be able to join my TeamGOSH Fund?

When you start your TeamGOSH Fund online you can choose to set your fund as ‘open’ or ‘closed’. If you choose an open fund, anyone can link their fundraising page to your TeamGOSH Fund quickly and easily. As the TeamGOSH Fund holder (the person who created the fund), you'll receive a notification every time someone wishes to join their fundraising page to your TeamGOSH Fund, so that you can keep track of things.

However, if you'd like your TeamGOSH Fund to be private, you can choose this option when you start your fund online. It doesn't mean that people can't join it, but it does mean that you're notified each time someone wishes to join your fund and will be required to approve each page before a user can join. 

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What will the money we raise be used for?

The money you raise will help Great Ormond Street Hospital continue to offer hope to thousands of very sick children and their families each year. Your donations mean that we are able to support children and their families by;

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