GOSH Charity Everyday Impact Fund
Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity (GOSH Charity) is launching a new scheme called the ‘Everyday Impact Fund’. We want to fund the little things that make a big difference, going above and beyond to transform the experiences of patients and their families at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). Projects must deliver direct benefit for patients and families that are under clinical care at the hospital and may not benefit named patients only.
All members of GOSH staff are eligible to apply for funding from this call. We recognise that GOSH staff have a unique understanding of the day-to-day challenges for families at GOSH, and we are keen to support you in turning your ideas into action for the benefit of patients and their families.
More information can be found in our funding call guidance.
Application support
The GOSH Charity team will be holding an information webinar for potential applicants on 11th February 2025. You can register to attend, and a recording of the webinar will be made available following the event for anyone who is not able to join on the day. Further information can be found in our FAQs.
We will also be running drop-in sessions to support GOSH staff with their applications. These will be held in the staff area of the hospital lagoon on:
- Wednesday 29 January 2025
- Tuesday 18 February 2025
- Tuesday 4 March 2025
- Thursday 13 March 2025
If you have questions or would like to discuss any aspects of your application in more detail ahead of final submission, please contact grants@gosh.org.
How to apply
The Everyday Impact Fund will be open to applications on 21 January 2025 and the application deadline will be on 18 March 2025.
You should submit your application through the online form on the Charity’s Grant Management System. Once you have created an account you will see the option to apply. You will be able to save and return to complete your application at a later date if you wish. If you have trouble accessing the application portal, please contact grants@gosh.org.
Your application will need to be signed off by your Associate Director of Nursing, and a Finance Officer. You should discuss your idea with these individuals before you apply and keep them informed throughout the application process. Once you have nominated your signatories in the online system, they will receive an email asking them to approve your application. Please note this sign-off must occur before the final deadline on 18 March 2025, so make sure you leave plenty of time for submissions ahead of this date.
Funding amount
We have a funding envelope of £50,000 for one round of funding to deliver projects that will have a direct impact on the everyday lives of patients and their families. We anticipate funding projects up to a value of £5k and there is no minimum funding request. Applicants wishing to apply for more that £5k should email the Grant Funding team to discuss their project.
The Everyday Impact Fund will support initiatives that will have a direct effect on improving the lives of patients and families at GOSH.
What’s in scope:
- Projects must deliver direct benefit for patients and families that are under clinical care at the hospital.
- Projects must be novel and go above and beyond NHS funding provisions. Prior to application, you should explore whether alternative funding options from the hospital or department budgets would be more suitable for your application.
- Projects can be any length so long as they have been budgeted accordingly, and projects which intend to continue beyond the length of the grant should have considered potential routes to long-term financial sustainability.
What’s not in scope:
- Research funding requests are not within the scope of this call and researchers are not eligible to apply for top up funding for research grants.
- Indirect benefits to patients and families are out of scope, and projects should not benefit named patients/families only.
- The scheme is not an expenses scheme for staff, and projects that only provide direct benefit to staff will not be considered.
Strategic alignment
Projects should align with one, or more, of GOSH Charity’s strategic objectives for patient and family experience and you will be required to explain how your project is aligned to this in your application. The objectives are outlined below.
Objective 1: To provide a “home away from home” for patients and families at GOSH.
This objective is all about creating a ‘home away from home’ for patients and their families at GOSH. We want to support projects that will make GOSH as warm, welcoming and child friendly as possible, as well as projects that will help to minimise stress and provide support to families facing difficult times. Examples of projects in this area might include improving access to outdoor spaces, increasing comfort and peacefulness of the environment, enhancing food provision or providing support to meet the daily needs and routines of GOSH patients and families.
Objective 2: To provide fun and relief for patients and families at GOSH.
Projects in this area should aim to provide patients with opportunities to have fun and experience relief from the stress and worries of being in hospital. Projects in this area might aim to reduce boredom in waiting rooms and on wards, enhance opportunities for playfulness and fun or support entertainment initiatives throughout the hospital.
Objective 3: To help patients and families at GOSH to cope.
Having an unwell child has an impact on the whole family and can influence many aspects of life, making it difficult to cope. We want to fund projects that will support patients and families by helping them to cope with the range of challenges they may encounter while under the care of GOSH. Projects in this area may aim to improve mental wellbeing, provide support with childcare responsibilities or help families to connect with others going through a similar situation.
Objective 4: To treat every patient at GOSH as a whole person.
This objective focuses on holistic care and support. It’s important that children at GOSH are treated as whole people with individual personalities and interests, and don’t feel defined by being a patient in hospital. We want to provide opportunities for children and young people to express themselves, explore their interests and socialise with peers, ensuring that we provide specific, tailored support to teenage and young adult patients. Projects in this area might facilitate self-expression, provide opportunities to explore new hobbies and socialise, or create a bespoke provision for older patients.