Corporate Partnerships Board

Our Corporate Partnerships Board is a group of senior volunteers, who work at a variety of companies and industries, and help support our fundraising activity. GOSH Charity has a brilliant number of strong corporate partnerships and the Board help secure new partners and retain existing ones.


Tim Score

Board members

  • Marc Allera

  • Jack Biddulph

  • Tim Burrage

  • Matteo Canonaco

  • Tim Collier

  • Simon Ewins

  • Nada Fornier

  • Sara Hale

  • Sophie Jermine

  • Cyrus Kapadia

  • Audrey Klein

  • Matthew Ponsonby

  • Simon Smith

  • Dave Thomas

  • Laurence Vallaeys

  • Georgina Vaughan

  • John Waples

  • Chris White